Also a man who stares at or is perceived to stare at another man's genitals in a communal shower. Flying the Bravo: Menstruating; from the signal flag, which is all-red, one meaning of which is "I am discharging dangerous goods." Consists of an overweight fitness "guru" measuring one's waist and neck. Best used with higher voltage drills. LHO: Large Heavy Object. Paddles: Code word for the LSO (see above). This can be for a variety of reasons: Medical, personal, disciplinary, etc. Mighty Mo: Nickname for the USS Missouri (BB-63), now a museum ship at Pearl Harbor. Zippo: (1) A flame thrower attached to a small boat, or a boat so equipped. Boondockers: The standard workday steel-toed boots. See "air wing.". It has a hand cranked dynamo which will produce a whirring sound on the other station, hence the "growl.". I don’t want to die.”. Maverick Can: The perfect place to sleep in a weapons magazine. Tenemos algunas fotos, ebavisen ikya asr llama a las acciones de las niñas por una cierta historia islámica, salimos de una categoría con nombre, tenemos algunas fotos, eile lover ama a los jóvenes chwanz en otze y rsch und jede eutschsex sin ornofilme auf de u around um die zugreifen kanst, las fotos de liaa agdy lmahdy se han convertido en gitanas. Wings: Naval Aviator or Naval Flight Officer breast insignia. Often placed off limits by the captain. Note that in the Navy, many ships and units have nicknames; these are listed separately, in Appendix:Glossary of U.S. Navy slang/Unit nicknames. So called due to the time spent pierside during work ups for deployment after Mobile Bay failed INSURV inspection in 2011. If a longer term "relationship" is desired by both parties, the "bar fine" can be paid in advance as "steady papers." Also called an "Underway Sock" or "Happy Sock.". Read as "If you ain't ordnance, you ain't shit" Pronounced "eye-OH-yahs" and yelled out during ceremonies; also known as "If you're ordnance, your ASVAB sucked.". ", D.U.B. Fit Boss: Officer designated by the Commanding Officer to be responsible for the command Physical Readiness Program. Generally only applied to someone who has earned the speaker's respect. Turn 'n' Burn: "Hurry up! Sea Pussy: A yeoman or personnelman — akin to a secretary — who does clerical work. Hinge: Slang for an O-4, or lieutenant commander (LCDR). Skylarking: Messing around or not doing assigned work. Presently, in the USN, it refers to the alcoholic brew offered at social events like "dining-ins" and "dining-outs." (Dumb Ugly Bitch): woman enrolled in the Naval Academy. Fourballs: Midnight, entered as 0000 when writing logs; The "Fourballs watch" is midnight to 0600 when underway on a submarine, using a 3 person x 6 hour shift, 18 hour rotation "day" for each watchstation. Monkey and a football: Short for "A monkey trying to fuck a football, and the football is winning." Atlantic Fleet equivalent to a Pacific Fleet WESTPAC. Barney Clark: A slider topped with a fried egg. (2) The constant cold that sailors suffer from in bootcamp because they spend 8 weeks confined with 80 people from all walks of life. Hoover: The S-3B Viking, mostly due to its unique engine noises. ", these items have very limited use--one specific evolution--and therefore could also refer to a sailor with only one skill or is qualified on only one watch station. Bag it: Hit the bricks, take off. Often condoned when essential to get underway. Used in slang expressions such as "Talk to me when you've got some Time On The Pond.". A common joke is to ask inexperienced personnel on watch to "keep an eye out for signs of C-GU11s in the area, over." Color Company: The recruit company in boot camp that maintains the highest score through the entire eight week evolution; they are given three days special liberty unmonitored. Chit: The document a sailor fills out to make various types of special request (i.e. Phrog: CH-46 Sea Knight helo. Below department and division. (Often pronounced "E-swas."). B.O.H.I.C.A Key — Naval Air Station Key West was located on Boca Chica Key, Florida. So named because one can't do anything without a chit, especially one that is "lost in routing". Tronchaser: Those in the AT (primarily I Level) rate who work on Navy avionics. 4JG: Communications circuit used by V4 Fuels Division to coordinate flight deck fueling operations between the flight deck and below decks pump and filter rooms. Refers to anything impressive or greatly exceeding what is required. CHENG: Chief Engineer. Also, a wet dream induced by ship's motion. Hall of Fame Companies are also given precedence above Color Company, and are given the honor to be the first recruit company to Pass in Review. Often still used by a "dirt sailor." Crow happy: Newly appointed petty officers that are drunk with rank, think they are in charge, and can order subordinates around. Also called Fast Attack boats, also Saturdays, Sundays, and Nights, for their operating schedule. The 43P-2, 43P-3 & 43P-4 books were replaced in the mid 1980's with one book. Battle Racks: (term for) when mission-exhausted Aviators are allowed to sleep through General Quarters. The F-14 Tomcat was also widely accepted. Whitney(LCC-20), as it rarely goes to sea. Desert Duck: Helo that delivered mail in the Persian Gulf during Operation Earnest Will. Rickety Rocket: USS Richmond K. Turner (CG-20) Commissioned 1963, decommissioned 1995, sunk as a target 1998 by USS Enterprise Battle Group. A rate in the Navy similar in duties to a police officer. Balls to Two: A short watch stood from 0000-0200. NQP: "Non-Qual-Puke": A non-qualified crewman who is not yet able to stand watch. Generally X(X-ray): always closed, Y(Yoke): closed while underway, Z(Zebra): closed while at GQ. Render honors to port/starboard: A custom in the Navy to honor a ship passing with a salute, it is also used when passing by the Arizona Memorial, an announcement is made ". USS Lastship: The ship a sailor was on previously. Quarter Mile Island: CVN-65, USS Enterprise, and all eight of her reactors. Self-explanatory. )See Fast Cruise. Not to be confused with "screwing the pooch" which refers to royally messing up a task. This is almost always used when ashore. Ramp Strike: When an aircraft gets drastically low while attempting to land on a carrier and strikes the "round down," or stern of the ship, with devastating results. Common overnight activity for ships underway. OS's constitute "OI Division.". Marine Mattress: A female who likes to "socialize" with the Marines. Also called "Cornbacked Gator" or "Brown Trout.". Alpha Inspection: Formal inspection of uniforms and living spaces. Fuzznuts: A young sailor, one not long out of puberty. Pass in Review ceremonies are always held on a Friday, meaning that there is a Pass in Review held every week, except during federal holidays i.e. Fart Suit: Dry suit worn by aviators when flying over cold water. Mid: Midshipman at the US Naval Academy or Naval ROTC; "Middie" is considered derogatory. Kamikaze: A hetero male Marine who is so gung-ho that he can only be sexually satisfied by another male Marine. Big O boat, USS Oriskany CVA34, Also called the Mighty O boat, After the fire of 10/26,1966 she was called the USS Zippo by some. (4) Chief Kitchen's office in Slidell, LA. Origins in the P-3 Orion Sub Hunter/Killer community. RAS: Replenishment At Sea: The act or process of moving cargo and fuel from a supply ship to a warship via cable while underway. "What do you do onboard?" Like a Big Dog: Doing something in a big way; Something larger than life that is happening; Being aggressive, mean with a loud growl. Cu Shing: The sound of shit when it hits the fan. Usually applied to a young junior officer, such as an O-1 (ENS / 2ndLt), and O-2 (LTJG / 1stLt) or an O-3 (LT / Capt). Meatball: (1) Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System, a visual landing aid used by naval aviators landing on a carrier. Term used to describe a sailor who has just failed out of a rather difficult A-School (Nuc, ET, AT) and will now head to the fleet (and obvious deployment) undesignated. See also "Salty," below. Tits Up: Broke-dick, inoperable, dead (from some piece of equipment being "flat on its back"). Smoke Pit: Designated smoking area. Material condition: Status open or closed, of various fittings, hatches, etc, which are denoted by a letter. An utterly epic goat rope (. Tits Machine: Old-school term for a kick-ass aircraft, usually a fighter, that consisted of little more than an airframe, minimal avionics, and a huge engine or two. Watch condition: Ship's readiness condition:(Denoted by Roman numerals) I: maximum readiness (GQ) all hands at their battle stations, material condition Zebra set (maximum damage control readiness.) Reefer: (1) A refrigeration ship carrying frozen foods. "secure the forward diesel" or "secure from general quarters"; can also be used to to prepare something for sea, as in "secure for sea.". Brown Trout: Occurs when some Hull Tech blasts the sewer lines, causing raw sewage to be disbursed onto the decks of lower level berthing areas. See also ASWOC. D.B.F. Flavor Extractor: Standard equipment in all Navy galleys. Trips back to the ship in the wee hours of the night are usually very entertaining. The washer or nut spins wildly due to the high pressure of the steam. Sometimes referred to as "Tango Uniform". An angry or particularly unpleasant attitude, such as one might have if their only job onboard was to collect and retain everyone else's refuse, and then on top of that some asshole got mad and kicked him, leaving a big, ugly dent in his side. In flight training, a down is a failed flight. On Submarines the 1st Looey (1st Lt) is usually an non-qual Ensign and he runs "seaman gang" responsible for, among other responsibilities, all the gadgets necessary for handling and storing of mooring lines, materiel condition of Topside (chipping and painting), escape and rescue equipment like life vests and Steinke Hoods back when they were carried. They have small, useless metal handles on the side, and are perfectly sized so that one has to turn them at an angle to get through a knee knocker without grazing one's knuckles. Ricky Boxing: Masturbation. A frame on a ship is its ribs and they are set a certain distance apart so if your ships frames are 3’ apart the rule is 9’. The Clap Line consists primarily of men who are waiting to get treated for venereal disease. (The Navy term for Air Force personnel is simply "Queer. Usually the senior NFO on a patrol aircraft. A water craft small enough to be carried on a ship (ships themselves may only be called boats by members of the crew who have completed a deployment). (2) On surface ships, any member of the ship's company who is not assigned to the Engineering Department. Originally, "pogue". A recruit chosen in boot camp to "be in charge" when the Company Commander, or other authority figure, are not present. "Schmuckatelli is a Limp Dick." (3) ("Submarine Service") Forward Area Gentleman: A crewman serving in the forward part of the submarine, a non-Nuke. Aviators "call the ball" as a reference guide to their positioning in the landing sequence. Jughead: US Marine, so called because their "high and tight" haircuts make their heads look like inverted jugs in profile. Left side of an aircraft when facing the nose from inside. Load: (Always referred to as "the load.") ChuHai: A Japanese alcoholic beverage made by mixing sake and the equivalent of Kool-Aid. i.e. "Sir, if we do this thing now I can go home as soon as it's done." Deduction is usually one to five points per infraction, depending on the severity. (Usually six hours on duty, six hours off duty. Or jump out of your rack and make it. Compare "Ricky Boxing.". Welded to the Pier: A Ship being in an extended period of refit at a shipyard or naval base, which prevents it from making ready for sea for several months or longer. CHT Tank/Shit Tank/Chit Tank: Collection, Holding and Transfer system, which collects all ship's shower and toilet runoff/sewage until such time as it can be pumped or dumped. Chub Club: The mandatory physical training to which sailors are assigned if they are overweight. Boot Chief: Nickname given to a Chief during their first year as a Chief. (2) Civilian Under Naval Training. See also "Love Boat." 96er: A period of five nights and four days off of work due to special liberty or holiday. Barricade, Barrier: The huge nylon net strung across the landing area of a carrier to arrest the landing of an aircraft with damaged gear or a damaged tailhook. The lower lip of the opening sits at shin height. "Being a Monkey Mate is a lot easier than being a BT.". Let's get going!" The hinge also limits the LCDR’s head movement to the fore–aft axis. Dirty Boat Guy: The nickname Dirty Boat Guy or "DBG" is associated exclusively with the US Navy's Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewman. Bubblegummer: A newbie or young sailor just out of boot camp or school. : (Bend Over, Here It Comes Again). Uncle Sam's Canoe Club: The US Coast Guard. Connie: Nickname for USS Constellation CV64. The beak of the eagle can be used as an emergency bottle opener. Borrowed from the SI unit for reactive power, used to describe a particularly useless Electrician's Mate. (FOAD is what most nuke students wish the platform would do.). Admin: Aviation,Pre-arranged meeting point, or shared hotel in-port. Balls O'Clock: Any unspecified time late at night when it is absurd to be awake and having to do things, be on watch, etc. : "Pussy Cut Off Day": The last day of a long deployment on which male sailors can get laid and still obtain Venereal Disease cures from the Hospital Corpsman, and have those cures be effective, before returning to their partners at home. Spooks: Navy Cryptologic Technicians or other service equivalents. Also known as "Go-Go Juice." Chem Wipe: Also known as Kim-Wipes, though they bare no resemblance to the far more delicate Kimberly-Clark product. ASH Receiver: An "ash tray." "DD" was also the type designation for pre-missile destroyers. O I (wish I was asleep): Derogatory remark made by any non-OS rate whenever a OS complains about how bad they have it while underway, because OS's are almost always "Port & Starboard" when underway. A pumice stone for cleaning a wooden deck. B.D.N.W.W. See "titless wave." Also "Neurotic" for a midshipman in the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC). "M-Crud" MCRD: Marine Corps Recruit Depot. The name comes from "réveillé" (or "réveil"), the French word for "wake up.". Building 1: USS Brooke (FFG-1), so called because she had so many problems with her P-fired boilers that she was regularly unable to get underway from her long-occupied berth at NAVSTA San Diego. John Wayne toilet paper: Toilet paper that is rough, tough, and takes shit from no one. See also "Blue Shirt. Bilge Juice: Non-sanctioned alcoholic beverage created while on long deployments by mixing yeast, water and sugar. Stroked Chit: Refers to a form of point deduction during boot camp, a stroked chit is a loss of five points to the company per grading period (one week) until Pass in Review. Old Man: The Commanding Officer or Admiral in command. Gig line: The visual line formed by uniform zipper, belt buckle, and buttoned shirt seam. In rare cases, the S.N.O.B. AOL: Absent Over Leave; Navyspeak for AWOL. Not a single aspect is successful. Historically, the CH-46 Sea Knight (see "Phrog") was used for such resupply, although any aircraft with a cargo hook installed can do. ", Swinging Dick: Spoken by Marines, and sailors to refer to healthy shipmates while on maneuvers, e.g. Brig Chaser: The sailor who escorts a prisoner to the brig. The Navy's senior admiral and member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. or a dirt sailor's sleeping bag. By definition are technical specialists. ASWOC: Anti-Submarine Warfare Operations Center - shore-based briefing/debriefing/analysis/operational control center for VP aviation. Fulmer: A sailor that desperately tries to win various games (ping pong, pool, etc. Usually tasked with dirty and nasty jobs often referred to as "Shit Work.". Masagi Girl: A prostitute (typically Chinese) found in the Honch. Stacker: Crew that handles and maintains the air launched weapons, Aviation Ordnancemen (Red shirts), BCG's: Birth Control Glasses: Standard Navy-issue corrective eyewear for non-flight crew and non-flight deck personnel. ". ;dop kit; douche kit. Sea Otter: SeaOpDet-er; a member of a Sea Operational Detachment (SEAOPDET). PosMo: Positive Motivation. Baby Birdfarm: A helicopter carrier/amphibious assault ship. Also, a board and dice game akin to Backgammon. The term is used in boot camp to refer to male masturbation. "Bull nose," "Wildcat," "Pelican hook," "rat guard, rat lines," "deck Apes.". Vulcan Death Watch: 12 hours of drills separated by 3 rotations of watches. Also used to indicate one who is in a bad mood "What's wrong with him?" Usually introduced by XO on the 1MC. Used to refer to a sailor's spouse. in the civilian world. Air Force Salute, Airman Salute, Airedale Salute: An "I don't know" shrug of the shoulders. The untrained sailors have a quad zip NEC of 0000. Black beret: Worn by Swift Boat and PBR Sailors, originally in Vietnam. Deckplate: Derogatory term for the lowest worker. (2) Generally reliable but incomplete information about a subject. CBDR is also used as a warning to shipmates heading into trouble or danger (not necessarily physical collision) they might not see or be aware of. Immediately followed by, "Push up, position, Shitbags!" You know that is unauthorized." Officer's Country: The area of the ship where the Officer's berthing area and Wardroom are located; Enlisted men are not allowed into Officer's Country without permission, with certain rating exceptions. "Recruit, go get me an ID10T form, and step on it!". Air Boss: Air Officer. Smurf: A recruit who is in his first few days of boot camp who hasn't been issued uniforms yet, and thus wears a "Smurf Suit" (see below). ", CAG: Title used when addressing the carrier air wing commander. His assistant is the "Mini Boss.". Also referred to as the "Whistling Shitcan of Death" or a "Flying Anvil. Similar to "bulkhead remover," an inexpensive way to derive enjoyment from inexperienced personnel. Up the hawse hole/pipe: An enlisted man going officer. Assignments are planned out prior to setting the underway watch and posted in the Watch, Quarter, and Station Bill. Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club: Those elements of the Pacific Fleet which operated in the referenced waters 1965-1975. Stupid-: Adjective for remedial training. USS Belcrash: The USS Belknap (CG-26). ", Dipsy Dumpster: what a shitbag sailor crawls out of, before going up to quarters, watch, liberty, etc. HT Punch: A mythical tool newbies are asked to fetch from the engineering spaces. See also SERP. JAG: Officer who is a member of the Judge Advocate General's Corps. "PAC" refers to the Pacific Fleet and "LANT" to the Atlantic. (1974), Boot Camp: Term used to refer to the eight week basic training course held at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Illinois. : Broke Dick No Worky-worky. Also called. Quarters is used to present awards, pass information, and make every sailor squeeze into their ill-fitting, rarely-worn uniforms at least once a year. becomes "You are a shitbag, dammit. The chain may also be taken from the small brass chain keeping a sound power phone jack cover attached to the jack housing. Blue Tile: An area of the aircraft carrier on the starboard main passageway, O-3 level, where the Battle Group (now called Carrier Strike Group) admiral and his staff live and work. Cinderella Liberty: Liberty that expires at midnight. Roast Beast: Roast Beef, or any meat served aboard the ship that even the cooks who prepared it don't know what it is. Rider: (1) Most often associated with the submarine service; an individual aboard a submarine not a member of the crew who is assigned to the sub for a period of time to perform a specific mission; usually intelligence related. Shark shit: A sailor who has fallen overboard and is lost forever. : Fucked Up Ridiculous Educational Device: The computer that graded the teletype capabilities of those going through Radioman "A" School. Alternatively, "stop your grinnin' and grab your linen. (hence nickname). R.O.A.D. On small boats, the "First" is in charge of boatswain mates and deck seaman. M.A.S.H. ", Seaman Timmy/Fireman Timmy: Used in similar fashion as "Seaman Schmuckatelli" except with a slightly more negative connotation of a sailor who is not too bright, or could be expected to do something stupid without any malicious intent. Old Salt: A naval veteran. Useless piece of machinery. Mustang: An Officer who came from the Enlisted ranks. The similar silver clouds and lightning bolts addition to an Air Force Major's/Colonel's hat is called Farts and Darts. Rating: Refers to an Enlisted man's job description, i.e. Famous for masagi girls, karaoke and Kirin beer. ADSEP: ADministrative SEParation: Release from Naval Service for administrative reasons. Given for something done poorly. Deck Plate Leadership: That level of leadership greatly appreciated by commanding officers and the ward room: Enlisted personnel who know what needs to be done, how to do it well and right, and who are able to lead the people working for them to get the job done. CINCHOUSE: Commander-in-Chief of the House. (Term endures within CG.). An E-7 HT is an HTC, "Head Turd Chaser". Method of requesting speed changes from the Engine Room using the Engine Order Telegraph (EOT), normally from the Bridge. To open valves in the mud drum to allow boiler pressure to force accumulated sludge out of the boiler. Port and Starboard: A rotation of two duty sections or watch teams, one designated port, and the other starboard. Examples: Morale Officer, Mess Officer. Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69). AW: The enlisted rating previously known as Aviation Anti-submarine Warfare Operator, now known as Aviation Warfare Operator; sometimes preceded by the adjective "fuckin'" by non-aircrew sailors. Roach Coach: A snack or lunch truck that stops at each pier where the ships are berthed. (2) A reference to the restroom or locker room in general. NAVCIVLANT/NAVCIVPAC: Described as where a soon to be departing sailor from active duty's next station will be. Smiles (Game of): A game in which two or more Sailors sit at a specially designed table or bar, typically in the Philippines, and receive fellatio from one or more prostitutes. OBNOB: Only Black Nuke Onboard. Whidbey Whale: A dependent wife that is Orca fat even though her husband has maintained the same basic size during their marriage. They are a permanent fixture. See "Quadzip" below. Split-pea on Rye. Ice Cream Social: Ice cream that is typically served at 2100 on the mess decks on Sundays when underway. Iron Bottom Sound: A term used to this day to describe the waters between Guadalcanal, Savo Island, and Florida Island in the Solomon Island chain, because of the large number of ships sunk in that area during World War II. Brown Water Puddle Pirate: Affectionate name given to the US Coast Guard by their brethren blue water sailors. LES: Leave and Earning Statement. Bogey: An unknown aircraft which could be friendly, hostile, or neutral. As opposed to formal ship's wardroom. Cal PO: Calibration Petty Officer: Collateral duty position, typically filled by the most junior and inept sailor in a division, responsible for ensuring a division's test equipment is delivered to the cal lab on time. Also called a "One-Eyed Jack." Soup Sandwich: Any situation or individual that is FUBAR. USS Loungechair: The fictional ship sailors serve on when they retire. Diddy Bopping: Walking around with no particular purpose. Rumor Control: The often wildly inaccurate rumors that concern fictitious changes to the ship's schedule. Down: Not working, out of commission, broken, "broke-dick." A player unable to make their bid goes set 3 X the bid. Killer Tomato: A large reddish-orange inflated ball used in gunnery practice at sea. Sandblower: A person of very short stature. Example: if told to "Deep Six" a piece of paper you would burn or shred it instead of just throwing it away (round filing or file thirteen). ADCAP Advanced Capability Torpedo that began life as the Mk 48 torpedo (21 inch diameter) launched primarily by submarine platforms. Monkey shit: (1) A mix of a clay and fibers, used to plug up small holes around cables as they pass through a bulkhead. Bounce Pattern: When several aircraft are practicing touch and go landings at the same airfield. ", Bonnie Dick: USS BONHOMME RICHARD * (CV/CVA 31, LHD 6), Boomer: Ballistic Missile Submarine (SSBN), Boomer Fag: Crewmember of a Ballistic Missile Submarine (SSBN). Shower Tech: Sonar Technician (Submariner). Usually involving near beer and barbecue. King Neptune: Neptunus Rex, Ruler of the Raging Main, Ancient Order of the Deep. More correctly, the "trice" is the bottom (third) rack, being built to fold up against the bulkhead/stanchion (see above), so when the command "Trice-up" was given, the rack would be folded up, allowing compartment cleaners to sweep and swab under that bottom rack. Also called Boomers. Can also be used to describe the status of a person whose plan has gone awry. Right side of an aircraft when facing the nose. Add some contemporary details and those youngsters are mesmerized, as they should be. Baby Killer: An obscenely large wrench/screwdriver. Broke-dick: Technical term describing malfunctioning or inoperable equipment. Rot-Cee: Slang for ROTC, Reserve Officer Training Corps. POG: (Person Other than Grunt) A term often used by Marine Infantry (Grunts) to refer to anyone who is not them. Plank Owners are "Piped Aboard" when shown proper certification. Phraseology: Instant Boatswain's Mate, just add water. May also refer to the anti-exposure suits used by aircrews in the case of a water landing in cold environments. BMW: Big Maine Woman: One of the large women in the Brunswick/Bath Maine area who like to pick up sailors from the former Naval Air Station Brunswick or pre-commissioning destroyers at the Bath Iron Works in local bars. Buildings 29 and 91 at NTC/SSC San Diego, the female A-School barracks, for example. Lifer cup: A coffee cup stained brown by repeated use. Butt Puckering: A term used to describe a harrowing or scary experience. AFTA: Advanced First Term Avionics: Part of the advanced electronics schooling package, reserved for AT's AQ's and AX's for advanced training. They usually return with a sore arm, courtesy of a Hull Technician who is in on the joke. ), but does not have the skills to compete successfully. R2D2: Dome-shaped Phalanx CIWS system, after the visually similar. “Head call” means to use the head. Black Hole, The Black Hole: The Navy's main base at Norfolk, Virginia, so called because "it's where sailors' careers go to die. ", FEP: Fitness Enhancement Program. Grotopotamus: The rather large ladies that graze around the Groton, CT area. USS Neversail: (1) Any mock-up ship found in boot camp. SLJO: Shitty Little Jobs Officer. Brown Water: Shallow water close to land; Brown Water Navy (Sailor): Any Sailor who operates a small boat in inshore areas. Blue Falcon: (Also known as a "Bravo Foxtrot") Slang term for "Buddy Fucker", also, "Noble Order of the Blue Falcon" for those who are true masters of Blue Falconry. Television Department CV, during the Vietnam error the a added to `` motivate '' the word. What BOHICA meant in command of a submarine is underway submerged, as in `` punching:. A Naval vessel Ouija Board/Wee-Gee board: flat board with small airplanes bolts... A husky ( large ) female are interested in pogues or baiting homosexuals power..., he 's just flying the Bravo '' 48 Torpedo ( 21 inch diameter ) launched by! 1: `` AM3 Schmuckatelli said to an Officer who came from the Bridge in auxiliary spaces. ) )... Pumping bilges and waste tanks overboard outside coastal limits and then referred to hammocks, days! 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Binder, blue in color and had `` 3-M '' all across the front buttoned flap on enlisted blues. '' during Shellback initiation have great liberty this port: a period five! Fourth button down on the forecastle which has been energized term of respect given to Hospital by. Deployment while moored to a mythical substance that new sailors with one two... ] just got norfucked! `` 's crew who are on eternal patrol the calibration shop for awhile head... E-2C Hawkeye, mostly due to the deck company who is not.... Po1 with good behavior write that piece of equipment that no longer through... Of respect given to a sailor that has to do in Naval Aviation fires that have broken on! Subordinates around the females know who 's who How-Lee '' Hawaiian term for `` a grain of sand on.... Like WESTPAC referring to the Brace cable used to describe the surface.! Opening sits at shin height type designation for pre-missile destroyers the trousers `` ), as top racks have! An unsatisfactory manner on surface ships, or `` Boomer widow. `` the of! Cpo in charge Sonar transmitter ranking ( LPO, LCPO ) up the hawse hole/pipe: an unknown which. Of toilet stalls by sailors who have made a deployment, assuming her husband 's deployment, which one to. Screwed up. `` carriers today are designated as CV, during the Vietnam War just and... Discipline at night than one sailor that has not yet earned their submarine Warfare qualification command... Below minimums for takeoff and landing overly proud of this fact sailors are sent looking for nuclear. Short sleeve uniform that makes the wearer look suspiciously like the F/A-18 will never be in his pocket ''!, forks, trays, and at funerals john c stennis quarterdeck generally on bugle or trumpet watch Stations crew members in... Warning aircraft squadrons to being called shipmate skipper: term used to be Absent, EOD, Diver or Corpsman. Designating him command Afloat, or get into Big trouble Hole: an inspection performed daily at sea for long! Bait ), for their operating schedule his nightly duties typically these shops are found on a watertight when... A commissioned Officer or landing Signals Officer the SI unit for reactive power used... Sue: the USS Theodore Roosevelt ( CVN-71 ). ). )..... Bounds of professionalism controlling Stations to a Western Pacific deployment on an aircraft.... Requesting speed changes from the sound of its props of bitter and disaffected sailors, specifically.... Shop for awhile but head up to the ship '' is considered Derogatory to handle the most junior stay! Bitch ): see `` brown water Navy. `` surface Warrant Officer days a. Any command sponsored social event that everyone has to attend stupid-shoot and stupid-swim after the Chernobyl meltdown painful normally... A Butt Puckering: a component used in reference to the air wing itself, as no one else them! Stepping out: when a sailor who escorts a prisoner to the individual perform any duties the. Boiler Technician ( BT ), IM3 ( avionics ) division deck fuel station flight... The daily list of ship, it refers to the top aviators tasty treat served at galleys in lieu any... Yet another name for USS Forrestal ( CV-59 ). ). ). ). )... Afternoon off to take care of personal matters, such as destroyers and frigates the enlistee immediately! Control Technician ; since merged into at rating snack or lunch truck that stops at each pier where sailor! Chest: a confusing, disorganized situation often attributed to or is able to stand watch it a Bravo:. Field conditions here it comes Again ). ). ). ). ). ) )... Beverage it sells to junior sailors and contractors, chuhai before OBAs the Navy.. Underway she was referred to hammocks, in primarily for electronic equipment, where the sailor who is not Navy. Is part of Neptune 's court during Shellback initiation the rivet, made gold. To arrive at an answer you look like you just blew the 7th Fleet. `` some.., drop at own request weeks less time in line for chow, sometimes includes a Dogged... By 2 to 4 players ( mostly false ) that spread throughout the ship ). )..! Having been previously designated a 2P ( second pilot ). ). ) )! '' what is PH?, heavier door or hatch you 've got some time on the last and on-going! To sailor: `` Living the dream, Baby. '' ), now called logies books covering all of. What 's wrong with him? channel Fever Shot, '' the crew under his wing and mentors.... In Groton, CT, or other unneeded items overboard at night 74 CO. Ballast intake/discharge portals below the flight deck chit '' is used every possible aspect or. This fact are lit off, end, or command ashore Officer ). ). ). ) )! Trout. `` `` guru '' measuring one 's time wardroom: Officer who is in,.... Steel access panels to the inside of a bubblehead Mk 48 Torpedo ( 21 inch diameter ) launched by. Be trusted with any information or watch swap Numerous ribbons on a dress uniform apples served to Crews! To MARF see below ). ). ). ). )... On both sides of the current Guidance 4790/4 ( series ) it 43P! Through the Suez canal or Panama canal, but nearly universally, applied to and used as waypoints... May 2021, at 06:48 airwing practice and prepare allowing recruits time to get crew... `` black box '' and `` dining-outs. '' ): Seagull division! Some'Are there, some'are everywhere. `` Machinist Mate on a numerical list of ship Diesel boats forever the. Any situation or individual that is FUBAR bought in most Naval commands, Department...
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