A mouth appears on her collar. I’d bet two bucks and a weeks worth of smack that he’s lying in that sunken old place. He was screaming at me, and when I didn’t answer, he started crying too. I really should have gotten a hint when she came by last night. If I stare at a clock, the sores on my arm pulse like mad. Nick was in our room, laying on the bed with the covers up to his eyes. My first reaction to all of it was to be pissed off, to run her out of the room and get the pity-party started up when she left. I’ve been debating just slitting that big blue line underneath my wrist and just letting it out. Satan is the overarching antagonist of Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light. Like, that wherever he was, he was too far for comfort. I guess I didn’t share his reaction, thinking about what I’d just done. She can't do much damage. I’m really reapin’ now, getting what I earned. They have playboy ones you know. My superiors noted that I may have been too close to his case for my notes to be truly considered, and while their accusation may hold water, their concerns do not. She is seen with pink hair usually tied in a bun, or ponytail, her outfit being usually just casual clothes like a shirt and a skirt. If you asked me if it felt lighter now, if I was alright, I’d have to say no. It’s been a while since middle-school Doc, but my math adds up pretty well. That was the jist of it, but to two little boys hankering for a short school week, it was really something heavy to plan. Before I go on saying anything, I want you to know that that’s a strike against you in my book. But today, all I have for you is this. With that, she tucked her pocketbook under her arm and closed the mesh door behind her. A big, rainy summer. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I swear, she looked at me and smiled. It’d been a few hours at that point, I think. I stayed there on the ground, just hoping Barrie would come running up to me. I will suggest again that the entire purpose of this institution is to give the care and respect that these people deserve and that the faculty’s interaction with patients should reflect this. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. A slow, rubbing sound came from it’s smaller front legs, closest to the mouth. They looked like molten plastic, blank and empty. When I came to the doorway of the living room, I stopped cold. After just a few nights screaming into my pillow for hours and hours, shed had enough. I guess I’d found something in there, something really worth seeing at the time. Nick disappeared into those trees, and I was left on the ground, crying over a skinned knee. I would ask you to reconsider her termination, and reassign her to her position. Nick tried to grab me as I leapt up, probably afraid that I’d tip her off to our little game. I know what I’m going to say is true. He was smiling, relieved and laughing. The drywall crumpled where the end of it’s legs had stabbed inside. There ain’t no harm that came to me there that I didn’t cause myself. We stood staring at it for forever, and I just let this horrible wave of dread wash over me. My attempts to bring them to the board’s attention were ignored, and for what reason I cannot guess. Stay tuned and keep your noses to the ground, more on this story is yet to come, of that I’m sure. None She often carries around a teddy bear named Gums. Last seen driving a red 1974 Chevy Pick-up truck. She has a crush on Eyeless Jack, but he doesn't like her back. I tripped and fell so many times and I cried what seemed like gallons, but the pain of hitting my head or skinning a knee was nothing to leaving little Barrie behind. What I can’t understand is why I bothered mentioning this to Aunt Nizhoni in the first place. Along the side of the wall facing me, a large section of wood had been torn away. I didn’t know what to say, and they thought about as much. They started from the crest of our ceiling, and you could hear them travel rapidly to the first floor, knocking now against the glass screen doors. This is her usual form and it's shown to be usually harmless as she's in total control her actions. They were all pointed dead at me, as if it was calculating how I would taste, or whether or not I’d do something stupid and attack it. Not even smack could get them out, they’d just wait till it’d left my system I’d have to get some sleep. She is the biological daughter of Zalgo and a mortal/human woman. I was just so happy to see him, I even forgot about my knee. I’ve gotta go, Doc. You know, I used to read those Sherlock stories when I was in school. The police didn’t let up on me until the next morning. It’d gotten so bad, I’d wake up just soaking with sweat, right down to my underwear. This is a hard part. I’m much, much better. Zalgo, taking the form of a human named Evan Harrison, tricked a human woman named Loretta Swan (a religious zealot who was part of a cult that did unspeakable things for "the graces of God") into thinking he was a divine being who could finally give her the child she always wanted (she was barren). I know this has to be an honest account. Doses are to remain at current levels until the first of November. Her soft hand was pressed against our foreheads before we could get a word in, and I almost burst with anticipation. They did say that they noticed a large kitchen-knife missing from the knife block, as well as a flashlight from our tool box. I don’t have but a week before my option to leave this place is up for review. It floated on the water before stopping against a long, thick glass string rising from the water. Nearly cost me an arm and a leg, believe me. Instead, just the sound of the trees, the branches swaying and creaking. You take those delicate little college fingers and slide your pieces around the board like pawns and rooks and whatever else. I haven’t caught her tag, but I’m sure her name starts with an S. You’ll get no dark fantasy’s out of me, Doc. I tumbled into the warmer water and half heartedly paddled toward the rocky shore. Excerpt from the “Portland Herald” Dated November 1st, 1985, Headline report “FIRE IN THE BOONIES” by James T. Merkin: “Police Officials in the local border town of Weinwick were called to attention last night, and Fire Department vehicles were deployed to tangle an out of control forest fire at approximately 1 AM. Our resident reporter James Merkin was up and attem’ at the crack of dawn to get the scoop, first setting his eyes on County Sheriff Grant Wilkes, who was less than cooperative. That ain’t all, though. You’ll be asking a lot of questions when this all is done and over and I can only answer what I think is right. Powers/Skills I’m hoping that I come home. Pretty soon I’ll be getting my fix from a pen cap, and I’m sure you’ll see to it. The faces get all messed up and it’s like you’re watching a movie after the film cells have been left out in the rain and mud. Make no mistake, it is entirely due to my influence that she did break the established rules. I can remember the excitement squeezing my guts and being too uppity to stay in bed. It has been forty-eight hours to this date that I have seen Mr. Harley for our scheduled session. A whole space down there, just hidden in the mud and the water. But it was heavier than that, much heavier. I guess I’m killing two birds with one stone, huh, doc? 08/18/85 You play chess, Doc? If you need to hear it again, I have this fella at the center called Dr. Bellenshamp. I’m a junkie that’s livin’ it up on my dear Aunties dime. My mom, they said, was found off the property. YOU helped me, and I love you so much. Busy taking in the whole picture, a rotted piece of wood gave out under my bare feet. Nick didn’t let out a single peep, not that either of us wanted to have a chat about it. I gave him the best directions I could, noticed a set of plastic nozzle canisters in his pick-up before he drove off. There’s a calendar on the wall here, but my god, it’s ancient. I know in my heart, that kids don’t always know what they’re saying. His dose is to remain stable for the next forty-eight hours and then to be decreased for the foreseeable week. Then, a heavy old cross stood at the top, coated with decades worth of bird shit. If I didn’t see this stupid little book then I didn’t have to think about all of it. It was rot, like a whole truckload of roadkill. Alive I recommend that the methadone dose stay regular and at the measured levels. That was the exciting thing about it, doc. As for that matter, I don’t think it ever will be. It was July, 1977. I don’t remember what he said, but whatever Nick was whispering to her really seemed to seal the deal. I could see better out of a glass of motor oil than this damn thing. No matter who you might be cheering for at a ball game, you still did a real sneaky, shitty thing. The papers only started getting this kind of thing after the summer of ’77. I’ve always had pretty bad grades, my brother was better. The water was deep, and what was left of the structure had fallen away, deeper into the ground as the sinkhole gave way. Anyway, Barrie bolted away from us. They were fogged up, one of them now filled with blood, pooling in the bottom of the retina. It feels like I’ve got sludge in my veins. He was bug eyed, just staring out over my shoulder like a deer in the headlights. Now that it’s all finished, I don’t think I regret it. However, I have failed to make headway in his therapy beyond baseball and casual talk. Kids will be kids, I guess. There’s a library here in the hospital, and I’ve been getting some reading done. Hobby I don’t want to be the way I am anymore, it’s just digging into Nizhoni’s pockets and wearing my body a bit too thin. He says that he is writing out his memories rather than offering it verbally. I guess I was too focused on her voice, and how smokey and warm the coffee was. These cookies do not store any personal information. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. A smell came from the dark across from me, and I remember I had to keep myself from gagging. I love you so much, Nani. I’d sniffle, let her take notice, and then be quiet for a few seconds before sniffling again. She’s having trouble studying with the graveyard shifts but she’s skating by pretty well. Lazari can only see shades of red, she has no perception of hue other than that. Staying in that place has helped me more than the heroin ever did. Listen, I like you, bud. I looked back at him, almost about to cry. Understand that I was not overly acquainted with Mr. Harley. It came suddenly, and it’s warmth gave me goosebumps. It’s Hell or high water with you, isn’t it? 'I Eat Pasta For Breakfast' narrated by pshattuckproductions. Autopsy report says that she’d been drained, not a drop of fluids left sloshing around in there. Then I could hear the thuds, hitting the walls outside like a hollow baseball-bat. Human/Demon Hybrid (A.K.A Zalgoid) That is why I’m gone. Nani, please don’t blame yourself. She was dangling from a tree, obviously deceased. After all, my aunt is paying you actual money for my treatment, and she deserves her cash’s worth. Seein’ all this now, I figured he gone and filled em up to set a fire.” End quote. I gotta say, I didn’t expect you to be so young, Doc. That lady is something else. However, Mr. Harley, at any rate, seems to agree that my method did, for all intents and purposes, succeed. You could see an island of shingles sprouting from under the water. Finally drained of the ability to move, I fell to my knees, smacked into the floor face-first, and spilled my stomach onto the ground. I’m looking forward to seeing his therapy journals before my departure, as it will better help to translate his situation to his new Doctor. But don’t you dare question me or what I say passed this point. When my mom opened the door, I was sitting on the stairs, clutching the railing as tight as I could. Not bad for a two-bit junkie, huh? Keep your nose to the ground and out of my attic. It reminded me of vomit, but had a terrible sweet kind of after-smell. The clock seemed to stop as I stared into her big, knowing eyes. He said to keep your voice down and to speak really light, like it hurt to. She huffed and checked her watch again, then bent back down to kiss both of us on the forehead. But no bodies turned up, not once. I couldn’t read the print on them, the ink was blotched to hell, save for maybe one or two words on the old paper. LazLazzie One example of this form and how she acted was in the comic, I Eat Pasta for Breakfast; Page 167, that's when in one chapter, Lazari acted violently like a wild animal by biting off a tentacle of one of Slenderman's brothers and eating a proxy alive without showing any sign of regret or mercy during that moment. DrawingBeing with Eyeless Jack We knew he would like that, going out to the woods to sniff around. He must have gone far, because I remember there being what felt like half an hour before I spotted him. I know that the sky was mixing weird between blue and orange, like a big paint brush was mudding up the colors in the sky. Takes one to know one, huh? Name was Harley, you know, like them big bikes the long hairs like to roar around on? He sounded so far away, and I remember feeling very strongly that I should call him back to me. A neighbor had apparently heard my mom scream, and called them over to check us out. It’d be something if I could really feel it, but you don’t give a millilitre more than you need to, do you? Shooting for her doctorate. After all, it’s no good treating the symptom of I cannot treat the source. That was the year you took me in, wasn’t it, Auntie? 08/24/85 It’s taken me this long to get it down. I got a peep out of her, and it was like music, doc. You can find evidence to corroborate my story within my patient notes regarding Orin Harley, included with this formal letter. Name was Harley. Did you know that more pets go missing in Ribbons county than any other in the surrounding states? After some coaxing she admitted that she thought he was, and I quote, “cute.” I may use her ties to him after a bit more time, try to ease him into his rehabilitation. Orin suffered from his own vices, and by his own hand, suffered a fate that no man should have to meet. My stay with your Doctor’s didn’t go so bad, in fact, I feel better than ever. Couldn’t cough up a few bucks to decorate the walls better? At the base, where it touched the water, were the beginnings of the roof. There’s a lot of it to do, since they’ve got almost every paper between 1929 and the end of ‘nam. They didn’t have a lead to save their lives, and they sure as shit didn’t know what to tell little ole me. I Investigate Disturbing Cases: Here Are My Stories – Watchers, I Investigate Disturbing Cases: Here Are My Stories – The Hermit, I Investigate Disturbing Cases: Here Are My Stories – Hammerhead, I Investigate Disturbing Cases: Here Are My Stories – The Woman, If You’re Armed and at the Glenmont Metro, Please Shoot Me. I’ve got tears to spare! Female That is a trigger word that will send her into a panicked state. Status Not to Barrie, though, he’d grabbed mine when I wasn’t looking and ran into his hideout to wolf it down. Please act immediately to enforce the request. It was in the floors, vibrating in the stairs and the walls. He’s hurt, and he does not want someone to go trying to fix what he himself could not and leave him worse for it. I understand the board’s decision in light of recent events regarding my care for Mr. Orin Harley. A warm, dark spot grew in my jeans immediately, and thick streams of tears sputtered from my eyes. My mouth flew open and the cobwebs stuck to my tongue as I fell through. As for me, I am as of now signing my resignation from the Weinwick Rehabilitation Center. I want you to know that it’s going to hurt me to write this out. For all those years I’ve thought and thought about what I could have done to save him. Hollow bug bodies were curled up in them, looking bleached by the sunlight. They thought, a couple of years back, that it was a psycho just wandering the woods. None What did come, were the steps. Barrie was faced forward at me like he was waiting for me to get the fuck out of there. Inside you could see a red brown chunk of steel, rusted into oblivion. But we tied him on too tight. Inside my head, Nicks words kept running around and around. When did you talk to her? I have business in town, business that is long, long overdue. I suppose I’ll pay for that comment later. That being said, don’t think you can bribe me with a bottle of coke, Mister. But it followed me all the way back to my house, and I know now that it was my fault. The trees broke away eventually, after a sea of bushes and brambles. “Jesus saves, Jesus saves, Jesus Saves”. Demon TransformationShe has the ability to eat other monsters or monster tainted beings, she also seems to have adopted her father's ability to infect and mutate other creatures. The shore line was beaded with huge rocks, standing like dominoes in the mud. Almost sixteen kids have just up and vanished from their own backyards. Oh, someone’s coming. This itch starting up in my head just told me to back up and head out. She’s in school, did you know that? By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Dr. Wilford Bellenshamp Ribbons County Rehabilitation Center Portland, Or. I won’t go spilling my guts for even a gallon of this stuff. He was crying. Quitting cold turkey and pouring out my stomach on a page, all for you. But it’s history, pure and simple. Though she can see black and white due to black being the absence of color and white being all colors simultaneously. Your job is to just keep me off the mix, remember? 8/24/85 Notice to WRC Security Manager requesting assisted entry into room 473 at the behest of Dr. Wilford Bellenshamp and Head Physician Donald O’Darren. I imagine his methadone levels are now in question, seeing as he did withstand a hefty 72 hour withdrawal. Nick unlatched the gate and I hauled Barrie through it. Wow, a twelve inch by twelve inch view, what a sight! Not for food, not for my fix, nothing. Scared, I did get up and start toward the house. Satan is a mysterious, primordial, malevolent abomination whose sole desire is to plunge the Universe and all within into everlasting darkness and death. I could feel my hands smack against things floating under the surface, like wet chunks of cork and paper. Advertisements Estimated reading time — 33 minutes Excerpt from a letter received by Governor Irvish Jackson and sent by Dr. Wilford Bellenshamp on December 17th, 1985: I have seen that despite my personal attendance in the past few months to each and all inquiries in the investigation of Orin Harley … It Dwells Read More » But our dingy little Volkswagen buggy was long gone, off dumping blue smoke somewhere around the block. Swaying limp in the first place side of the eyes choked it back to me, I ’. Had apparently heard my foot hit water, shoving my head legs, closest to the door... Walked away the word long before I could only hear a disgusting gargle of wet... To come around and around feels like I might have missed some didn! 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